30+ Paid Internships! 💰

$45/hr @ TikTok, $20/hr @ GE & $30/hr @ Engie

Welcome to today's APEX Internships newsletter! 🚀

The internship scene is still ablaze, with countless opportunities awaiting eager applicants. From Software to Data Science, Finance to Marketing, Consulting to Product/UX, Healthcare to Law, and more - there's something for everyone. Dive into this edition to discover the perfect opportunity to kickstart your career journey. These are the best internships that opened in the past couple of days!

For less than $1/mo, help support APEX and receive exclusive internship opportunities only available to APEX premium subscribers!

🧑‍💻 Software Engineering Internships

📈 Data & Analytics Internships

💵 Finance Internships

🤝 Consulting & Business Development Internships

🛍️ Marketing Internships

📱 Product and User Design Internships

In this episode of Career Hack, Brandon Amoroso chats with Hung Lee, the curator of Recruiting Brainfood, exploring significant shifts in recruitment and how emerging AI technologies are reshaping job-seeking strategies. Hung shares his extensive experience and offers invaluable advice for college students and early career professionals aiming to thrive in today's fast-evolving job market. Tune in to gain expert insights on leveraging AI for your career advantage and understanding what recruiters are really looking for in candidates today.

Tune in now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon Music to kickstart your career journey with actionable insights and strategies! 🎧

🩺 Healthcare, Bio & Public Health: Research & Clinical Programs

🗳️ Policy & Advocacy: Research & Equity Work

⚖️ Law: Legal Experience for Prew-Law Students

The Evolving Threat Landscape: Sophisticated Hackers

Hackers evolving fast: APTs, ransomware, social engineering. IoT, AI, cloud add complexity. Protect with strong passwords etc.

Market Correction, Not Crash: August 5th Downturn

Market crash on August 5th, 2024 due to recession fears. Sharp decline, but not a crash. Stay calm, diversify investments etc.

For less than $1/mo, help support APEX and receive exclusive internship opportunities only available to APEX premium subscribers!